Rebels on Pointe is showing in Belfast's Grand Opera house on Monday 30th July as part of Pride festival, we chat to Jack Furlong one of the Les Ballets Trockadero dancers to find out all about it
How was the documentary received at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival ? and where you or any of Les Trocks invited to attend ?
To my knowledge none of the dancers got to that premier due to being on tour though I know they did get to others in America and all over the world. I was in both New York and Mexico when it was being premiered
We have to wait a few weeks until we see the documentary, wondering is the production big and more importantly do you know who came up with the concept ?
Its a proper big production, Bobbi Joe Hart is the writer and Director she spend around 5 years making it, she is lovely, she has joined us in a few places, recently she came to Edinburgh while we were touring , I know she has already won tonnes of awards with the movie.
Are there any topics covered in the Rebels on Pointe that aren't common knowledge about Les Trocks ?
Yes definitely, the documentary looks into the history of the company, the beginnings of how Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo was formed. I actually learned so much from the documentary. Also the personal history of the dancers is something you don't see in the stage production and how their families reacted. Allot of people where from small towns like myself, seeing how firstly they tried to explain about being a ballet dancers then trying to explain how they actually preformed in drag. You really get an insight, the characters are from all over the world, Spain, Cuba etc with different upbringings and backgrounds, this isn't as apparent in the stage production
What is your favourite thing about the Rebels on point and what would your message be to those in 2 minds about going to watch ?
You get to see a bit of the dancing and see who the dancers really are, we are normal people. Maybe some spoilers here, you get to follow Chase and Carlos's wedding and it goes back to people's home towns in Italy and Florida and meet their parents, it makes it really personal and real. Thankfully its not like reality TV or full of drama. You get to learn of how all of these great people came together and joined the world of Ballet.
How does the styles we see in the documentary differ from what someone would see coming to watch your show
Most of the pieces they use are the stables, you will see a few clips of things in our show and will definitely recognise the style and choreography.
Am sure you enjoyed watching Rebels on Pointe, was there ever an opportunity to have a part or a cameo
For me unfortunately not, filming had started 2-3 years prior to me joining the company, I do see myself in the movie though.
What message do you hope people leave with after watching the documentary
I think it will show people how exciting the company is and how inclusive we are. The greater message it shows how we are all dancers and people enjoying their time working together
Are you familiar with the stonewall riots and how important where they in giving birth to Les Trocks ?
Yes I am, they were really important, the riots were in 1969 and technically Trockadero was founded in 1974 though the precursor started at the same time so they definitely match up. I don't think it started on purpose though makes complete sense that it did, it was so important that it did, Gay culture and fine art cultivated . I think we are seeing something similar in history now with drag in general though Trockadero has been doing now for over 45 years
Your phrase which we love is "A Ballerina is not only a woman dancing, but an act or rebellion in a tutu". Can you relate to this and give us an example
I think that maybe a quote from the movie. Though I think all Ballerina's are rebellious wheather you are a Trocker or in a regular company. I think what we had to do and sacrifice to get to were we are is rebellious. Social media is so great for people, you get to see pictures on Instagram of boys on point, posing, dancing that you couldn't of seen in the past. Even studying I find still very heteronormative with your role and the way you have to act in class and on stage though all of us as Trocks we get to say the opposite, I don't need to put on an act I get to dance as myself, so its really nice and we are really lucky to have that opportunity
And finally, you are coming to Belfast in November, are you excited and have you ever been to Ireland before ?
Well as you know i'm from Lethrim, I actually visited home last week. We come to Belfast on Nov 2nd and 3rd, though until 2 years ago I had never visited Belfast. Me and a group of friends went and had the most amazing time, we got to do a black cab tour of the murils, it was so strange there was 6-7 of us and no one had been to Belfast before. I have family that study in Queens University so not sure why haven't visited especially as the drive is only 90 minutes or so from my family home, I must say the food was lovely so I am really excited to come back
If you are interested in watching Rebels on Point it is showing Monday 30th July in the Grand Opera House, tickets cost only £5 and can be purchased by clicking here or you can call the BOX OFFICE on 028 9024 1919