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TBT time, we have a look at a piece we featured in the magazine around Christmas of 2012. It's a piece about spending Christmas alone...

Christmas is a kind of non-holiday. Yes, many of us get time off work, but most of us end up doing more work in preparation for the season than we would be in our day-to-day jobs. We feed feasts to our families; we leave it to last minute to leg it to the shops for the items on the Christmas lists; we track down trees and overdo the decorations. For the most part, it’s during the period between Boxing Day and New Year’s Eve that we finally get our required holiday rest, and usually we don’t get enough of it following all the chaos of Christmas!

If you’re spending this this Christmas alone, look not upon it with fear, dread and panic. Instead see it as it is: a rare opportunity to overindulge.

Do as the hedgehogs do and stay curled up and cosy in your warm winter nest. You have command over the remote control so you can choose which bad Christmas films you want to watch. Of course, you’ll have seen each one half a dozen times as they haven’t changed over the last ten years. So instead, why not treat yourself to the box set of the series you’ve been dying to see for ages. No overexcited, screaming kids will be present to interrupt your viewing pleasure.

Alternatively, buy yourself the book you’ve been meaning to read for years and dive straight in. Stock up on all your favourite food and drink: there will be no compromising as you only have yourself to cater for.

When it’s all over you can enjoy hearing the Christmas complaints of your friends who spent the season stressing and feuding with their families.

- Take a trip down memory lane and check out our back issues here

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