A newly-wed groom from Belfast surprised his new groom when he got up during the service to perform a song for him. Tony & Darren were one of the first couples to get married under the new same sex marriage legislation in Ireland, their big day took place in the "majestically magical" Hillgrove Hotel.
The ceremony was filled with emotion and love from the beginning. The grooms party walked down the ailse to an ad-hoc choir made up of some of their professional musical friends singing Anthem from the musical chess, Tony & Darren were walked down the ailse after everyone else by their son Parker. During the service Darrens brother gave a reading of the gorgeous song "Handsome Man" by Matt Alber, and their daughter India also gave a short reading on what love means. Finishing off the service, Lurgan man Conleth Kane gave an uplifting rendition of Everything by Michael Buble.
But it was Darrens song to Tony that had everyone in tears. He chose "Forever Love" by Gary Barlow and included a few lyrics from the Celine Dion song "Taking Chances". These are two songs which are special to them.
Watch it here...