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The much anticipated revival of Titanic the musical on course for The Grand Opera House

On Tuesday team GNI were privileged to be invited along to the launch event for Titanic the musical which will be staged in the Grand Opera House from 24th April. Rightly fitting the event took place in the Titanic exhibition centre, Titanic's true home, over a period of 3 years 15,000 shipbuilders constructed the then largest luxury liner the world had seen.

Head of Marketing at the GOH Simon Goldrick warmly greeted us before a series of short insightful talks from the guest speakers, Allison Murphy (Belfast Titanic Society's), Steven Levy & Danielle Tarento (Producer's) and Thom Southerland (Director).

Between speeches we were entertained with a live performance of the Proposal/The Night which was sung by London cast members Niall Sheehy (Barrett) and Oliver Marshall (Bride) accompanied by pianist Malcolm Forbespekham. You can get a peak via this link

Tony Award winner Maury Yeston the Composer also surprised everyone as he sent a personal video message from New York expressing his excitement for the musical finally returning to its roots.

This adaptation looks beyond the tragic demise we all know of and focuses on the stories of the real passengers on board who are chasing their Hopes, drams and aspirations of a better life in America.

Hardcore Theatre goers and Musical Theatre lovers alike have expressed their up most admiration for this stage revival and The Times recently gave the production 5 ***** and said this "A Triumph. The day after seeing it I went back. It's that good"

Don't miss the opportunity to see this masterpiece here in the city that gave us Titanic

On for a limited run in the Grand Opera House 24th -28th April 2018

Tickets can be purchased via this link , by clicking here or by calling 028 9024 1919

The production is showing in 12 locations across the U.K and Ireland, if you miss the Belfast run it returns to Dublin's Bord Gais Theatre from 15th - 18th May 2018.

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