Tourism NI Hosts Coach and Group Workshop
Tourism NI recently hosted a Coach and Group Workshop in Derry~Londonderry. Twenty five coach and group operators from Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland held face to face sales appointments across two days and toured the local area on a familiarisation visit.
Northern Ireland industry included three and four star hotels, visitor experiences, tour guiding associations and activity providers offering group visits as well as local Councils and regional tourism organisations.

Pictured at Brooke Hall are, l-r, Caroline Mulligan, Tourism Ireland, Janine Cuff, Albatross Group, David Gilliland, Brooke Hall & Estate, Nathalie Brohan, Classic Britain Hotels and Nikki Paterson, Tourism NI.

Pictured at Brooke Hall are, l-r, David Carton, Grand Tours, Karen Henderson, Visit Derry, Colin Wynne, Abbey Ireland & UK, Gwen Beveridge Tourism NI and Nikki Paterson, Tourism NI.