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I have to confess that I had read and enjoyed the book by author Khaled Hosseini so I had a pre-conceived idea of what I was about to watch. But I can honestly say, by the time the play was finished I was definitely impressed - the book had been brought to life in-front of me.

From start to finish this production had everyone engrossed, not a sound could be heard nor a word spoken except from the actors on stage.

This production was based on a true story of friends, culture and loyalty. The story of two childhood friends growing up in the mid 70’s in Afghanistan. Amir and Hassan were the main characters – they came from very different backgrounds. Amir’s family were wealthy, whereas Hassan was the son of the family’s loyal servant of over 40 years.

Amir and Hassan came on stage playing childhood games; tag, climbing their favourite tree and acting out their much loved John Wayne films (who they firmly believed was from Iran because on the big screen he spoke in Iranian).

Many events take place in the first half of this production; happiness, bullying, sadness and a friendship which was to be tested through the years. By the time the curtain came down on the first half the GOH audience left their seats emotional and couldn’t wait to see what the second half was to bring.

As we took our places for the 2nd half we were not prepared for the rollercoaster of emotions we were about to go through. As The Kite Runner came to a close people were leaving with tears in their eyes.

An outstanding performance from all the cast who deserved every minute of the standing ovation they received. It is well worth a trip to the Grand Opera House to go see The Kite Runner, the caster were flawless and the storyline gripping.

Profound and powerful.

** The Kite Runner is named after a competition that adults and children took part in every year, the aim was to be the last person with their kite still in the air by cutting down other kites. Amir was the kite flyer and Hassan was the runner who ran to retrieve the last kite to be cut down.

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