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Stormont Sees Red for Charity Event

Runners ‘Dress to Kill Heart Disease’

A local charity is urging everyone to ‘Dress to Kill heart disease’ by dressing in red for a range of events this February across Northern Ireland including a Red Dress Fun Run at Stormont.

Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke’s Red Dress campaign is being launched to raise awareness of women’s heart disease which is the biggest killer of women in Northern Ireland - almost three times as many women die from heart disease as breast cancer.

Kerry Anderson, Director of Fundraising at Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke said: “The red dress campaign has been created to raise awareness of this important issue and offer exciting and fun ways for the people of Northern Ireland to get involved. Many people may be surprised to learn that heart disease kills more women in Northern Ireland than any other disease and this means that lives are being lost unnecessarily.

“We know the people of Northern Ireland are always up for a bit of a laugh so we’re keen to see both men and women don their best red dress and have a bit of fun whether they host a red coffee morning, plan a red themed party or don their red tutu, dress or sparkly leggings for the Red Dress Run at Stormont.”

The Red Dress Run is a 5k or 10k run at Stormont Estate on Saturday 11th February. Entries are now open, registration fee is £10 – register online at

For more information on the Red Dress campaign and ideas on fundraising visit

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