Crazy pastor shouts that God is giving gay people fire in the butthole
The infamous anti-LGBT pastor has sent out his latest public speech announcement saying God is giving gay people fire in the butthole.

Pastor James David Manning of New York’s soon-to-be-defunct ATLAH Worldwide Missionary Church has somewhat of an internet fame status with his online sermons,
He regularly preaches hate and not much else, directly towards the LGBT community, regardless of him previously saying he is doing God's work and preaches acceptance.
His latest ramblings are a little, extreme. Put bluntly, and as the headline says, the pastor tells us that God will be putting fire in gay peoples buttholes.
“If you are a sodomite, God’s going to have a flame coming out of your butthole!
“You ain’t seen nothing yet until you seen a flaming butthole. Thus sayeth the Lord almighty to every sodomite and every sodomite sympathizer.
"The next time you get poked in the butt, a flame, when that man pulls that penis out of you, a flame will shoot out of you!
“You think AIDS was bad? You ain’t seen nothing yet! Thus sayeth the lord! I’m the lord’s servant! I’m the sodomite slayer!”
“Tell these faggots, either they get outta town or flame and fire gonna come out of their butthole.
“And anybody that sympathizes with them, they gonna have a flame shooting out of their vagina.”
This is only a little of what he preaches, you can watch his sermon in full below.