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A Quickie with Courtney

The Edinburgh Fringe via Australian Idol and Ru Paul. We caught up with Courtney Act for some quick fire quizzing...

Snog, Marry, Kill the Ru Paul Drag race judge’s panel from your season?

Snog – Adam Lambert but only cause this is the PG version

Marry – David Burtka even though he is already married

Kill – Michelle Visage cause let’s face it that’s the obvious answer

You're stranded at sea with Bianca and Adore and can only save one, which one do you save and why? (Just pick one goddamn it, it's not like she can hear you)

I would throw myself overboard and give them my place cause its safer than the truth.

You're known not only for "relying on that body" but for your singing talent too. If you could have recorded any hit single from the past year what would it be and why?

Lordes entire new album “melodrama”, it’s like a 12 step album to getting over my recent heartbreak, I’ve been listening to it on repeat and taking in the depth of the lyrics in the hope that it will repair my broken heart for me to be able to love again.

Singing took you to reality TV first didn't it? If you could only do one, Australian Idol or Drag Race, which would you choose, and, more importantly, why?

Both were so important to getting me to where I am now, this is such a hard questions because Idol was so mainstream in Oz and opened a lot of doors, but on the other hand Drag Race has propelled me internationally, both were such wonderful experiences but to answer the question I’ll say Drag Race.

What message would you have left on the workroom mirror if you'd been eliminated from Drag Race?

Ummmmm……ummmmmm I really don’t know I would probably write something then rub it out and then write something else and rub it out and end up writing my own name with kisses as I was seriously in my own head too much during the show over thinking things kind of like I am now.

Quick! Dannii or Kylie?! Explain your choice...

I refuse to choose I am having them both for this question, I cannot choose they are both sensational fellow Aussies.

Tell us three things you can't live without...

My dad is a herbalist and I have a little bag of natural remedies for everything from sore throats, muscle spasms and fatigue so it’s very useful when on the road.

My vegan snacks bag as it is sometimes such a nightmare sometimes trying to find nutritious vegan food on the road.

My iPhone with my group chat which has Bianca, Adore and Darrian in it, at times when I am feeling down or drained while on the road, I post a message in the group and the girls don’t be long in picking me up and getting my ass out on that stage.

Your winged look from Drag Race has become iconic. If you had them on right now and could fly anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

It’s not that far from here (London) but it would be Berlin cause it’s the number on vegan city in the world and it’s become my back up plan if things go totally south in the states now that Trump is President.

You're vegan right? How did that come about?

Over the years my friends have become vegetarians, I was at Burning Man a few years ago and it was the last day and I was really hungry and my friend had made this amazing turkey shavings sandwich with sourdough. Cheese and sauces so I thought yeah sure, it was one of the most delicious things I have ever eaten!! But when I got back to civilisation I just didn’t want to eat meat anymore due to the cruelty to the animals and the carbon footprint the agricultural farming of animals leaves on the planet which is more than the entire travel industry.

Tell us about your upcoming appearance at the Edinburgh Fringe this month with "The girl from Oz" show, what should we expect?

Basically it is a 60 minute cabaret show just me, with a piano singing all the Australian hits not just the obvious one’s like Kylie and Olivia there is also a bit of Sia, ACDC and so many other great songs by Australian artists.

Catch Courtney at The Edinburgh Fringe (at the Circus Hub). Get tickets and more info at

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