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Renewables Experts Everun Turning Tide In Saving Energy

Revolutionary new motor Turntide tackling climate change

Renewables experts Everun are bringing a revolutionary new energy technology product to market that will help companies save on costs and help tackle climate change.

The Turtide Smart Motor System, developed in California, has been proven to save companies on energy bills and Everun’s Managing Director, Michael Thompson believes that it will be an essential part of the drive to save money.

“Electric motors are everywhere in business from pumping air to powering production lines,” he said.

“However, we are using technology for these motors that is more than a century old and is not efficient for today’s world.

“Turntide is a proven system that uses smart technology to make sure that companies have an efficient way to power the electric motors, and we are delighted to offer it to clients across the island of Ireland.

“Recently the Department for the Economy in their Energy Strategy – Path To Net Zero Energy indicated one of their objectives was to ‘deliver energy savings of 25% from buildings and industry by 2030’. Installing a Turntide system will provide businesses with a robust solution for attempting to achieve this objective.”

The Turntide system is cloud-connected, with smart software that is certified to be up to 60% more efficient than traditional motors and is already in use across the United States.

Ryan Morris, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Turntide Technologies said the company was delighted to be partnering with Everun to exclusively offer the product across Ireland and Northern Ireland.

He believes that it Is essential that businesses grasp the opportunity offered by this system that is similar to upgrading from a landline to smartphone.

“Across the world it is estimated that almost 50% of electricity is used in electric motors,” he explained.

“From air conditioning to powering elevators and assembly lines these systems are everywhere.

“The Turntide solution is part of our mission to upgrade as many of the outdated and inefficient motors with our Optimal Motor Systems. They are proven to work and provide substantial reduction on costs, with a return on investment of between 18 months and two years.”

Turntide’s electrical motor is based on the physics of electric generation using magnets and holds more than 100 patents for its intelligence-based system. Its three elements are the motor, the controller and the cloud that optimises every part of the energy produced, and precisely switches the current to the motor 20,000 times per second.

Mr Thompson said that Everun, in conjunction with UK partners Future Motor Limited, have exclusive rights to distribute the Turntide technology across the island of Ireland.

“These new systems can save you from 20 to 60 percent in your energy costs from those that have already installed it so far,” he said.

“We’ve seen it ourselves but to put that into context plug in the Turntide motor system into your air handling units can save you almost twice the amount of energy that it costs to switch your lights on in a building.”

Mr Thompson added that Everun are confident in the motors as they have been proven in applications that require absolute reliability, fault tolerance and durability, such as nuclear power plants and hospitals.

“We know that it works, we have visited sites where it demonstrates what it can do,” he said.

“Large financial institutions, hospitals and universities are already seeing the savings that can be achieved by installing Turntide’ smart system.

“Amongst other early adopters are companies such as Andras House Group as well as a large number of hospitality, hospitals and manufacturing plants across the UK, who are delighted to see bills go down and make a positive impact on the environment.

“That’s why we are inundated with enquiries already, and why we are offering free consultations to show how this easily installed system can work for you, save money for you and reduce your carbon footprint.

“We at Everun are committed to a renewable future with our experience in windfarm, solar technologies, and Turntide is the latest way we can help you and help the planet.”


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