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it's our 60th edition! & we've PALOMA ON THE COVER

WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THAT what originated as a website and free a5 directory would grow into the multimedia publication and company we see today. 

Crazy to think that this is our 60th BIRTHDAY edition, reaching this milestone is a massive achievement for any printed publication though particularly for us as a niche LGBTQIA+ Magazine. 

In October I will be with GNI for 9 years, it genuinely doesn't seem like even ½ that time.

From joining the business I have witnessed first had so many changes, mainly in attitude, I vividly recall the constant occurrence of being hung up on or ignored when businesses heard the dreaded words GAY or LGBTQIA+ publication, though this is thankfully changing at a rapid pace as more and more people and businesses understand the importance and see the benefits of reaching out to and engaging with our niche yet growing demographic. 

It is great to see such change though don’t get me wrong we still have some ways to go.

On a personal level for me my role has changed dramatically within the company, starting off in a developmental role, this slowly expanded to doing food and show reviews. Now almost 9 years down the road I'm Director/Editor/Dogs Body and running the show - who would have thought. 

Prior to GNI I worked for various daily and weekly news publications though there was always something missing, that was GNI, a publication that I could personally relate to, be proud of and passionate about. 

99% of the time I love my job, it remains interesting, challenging, fun and rewarding, I have a great work-life balance, have had the pleasure of interviewing so many amazing people, engaging with forward thinking brands and clients and have the opportunity award those who work tirelessly to improve the lives of LGBTQIAl+ people. None of this would be possible without the support we receive and the contribution of many.

It has been a blast thus far and I am excited with what the future holds for the business. 

A few words that have been submitted by some people and businesses who work with us - CLICK HERE

Daniel May - Director


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