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The History of Peace (according to my ma)

We had the pleasure of visiting The Grand Opera House last night to see the brilliant sequel to The History Of The Troubles (accordin’ to my Da) and it certainly did not disappoint

Karen Reid a community work from Belfast who is trying to fight for a new community centre, who has a group of friends who support her. Set in the time leading up to the Good Friday agreement in 1994 were a cease-fire is called between all leading Paramilitary Group.

Some people didn't agree with the agreement and Karen's friends were some of them, we have Stacey a Hairdresser who has a passion for footballers and loves to protest about the ( ' Fleg' ).

Then we have Karen's brother Fire Ball who is a undertaker who doesn't miss a opportunity to try and drum up business. Roberto is a Flute Band leader who's favourite phrase to all situations is ' It's a Slipper Slope', he is married to Big Denise who would scare the life out of you, she is the Orange Lil of the group who has Union Jack dresses and matching underwear.

Pineapple is another character who is a leading Paramilitary walks as if he is carrying tv under each arm, talks constantly out of the side of his mouth so the 'otherside' cant understand...we all knew one of these people.

To secure funding for the Community Centre the group have to join forces with ' The Other Side ' were they learn Irish Dancing and the Irish Language, some took to it like a duck to water funding was granted. No one goes unscathed from the ' Micky ' taking , Politicians,The Police Force, Former Ministers Wife, Paramilitary Groups and Collapse of Stormont It is typical Nor then Ireland Humour that we can laugh at ourselves.

The show contains Adult References and Strong Language . Worth going to see.

Showing until Saturday 1st September, visit to book tickets.

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