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A tough breakup, Belfast Pride, and chart success for Conleth

Lurgan man Conleth Kane is hoping to be the first LGBT singer from Northern Ireland to enter the top 10 at Belfast Pride this Saturday with his new radio hit 'Giving It Up'. We had a chat with him about Pride, his single, and his recent breakup...

'Giving It Up'. We had a chat with him about Pride, his single, and his recent breakup...

Hey Conleth! Great news about you presenting 'PARTY IN THE SQUARE' this coming Saturday at Belfast Pride! How did that come about?

Thanks guys. Well, initially my agent called me saying that the Pride committee wanted me just to come over and perform my single 'Giving It Up', which I said a big fat YES to immediately! About an hour later Marcus (my agent) called me back and said 'Not only do they want you to perform your single, they want to know will you co-host it too!'

I have to be honest, It didn't appeal to me immediately because I have only really ever been on stage as an actor so I have always been scripted. In the end I said yes, and I managed to touch base with Gemma Hutton (my co-host) and she was very encouraging and supportive so it's fair to say I am in safe hands with her as she has been doing it for a few years now. Now that it's just around the corner I am very excited. It'll be the first ever Pride my family have attended and I am genuinely excited to perform my next single 'Take Me Higher' (a collaboration with House Producer - Damon Hess), and my current single 'Giving It Up'.

Ah Yes, 'Giving It Up'! We keep hearing it on the radio, and reviewed it in our most recent issue as an 'Instant Classic'. Are you pleased with how it's going?

Very pleased - and thank you so much for reviewing it in GNI! I really appreciated that. The single had it's radio debut on BBC Radio Ulster and is now on the official playlists of Cool FM and Gaydio Radio. I was in Palma when it got it's first radio play on Gaydio and that was such an incredible experience. There is no feeling like getting a phonecall from someone screaming that your song is on the radio. It makes all the hard work worth while. It's the first track I have ever written and I'm extremely proud of it. I couldn't have done it without the incredible producers on board - Maff Boothroyd and Deep Matter. They are so cool and have made the song truly credible.

I am told there are 10,000 people expected at 'Party in the Square', I thought to myself the other day - if everyone got out their phones and downloaded my track after I sang it, 'Giving It Up' could go to number 1 in the UK iTunes chart on the spot! How incredible would that be?? Ambitious, yes, but anything is possible. Imagine a gay guy from Northern Ireland shooting into the Top 10 at Belfast Gay Pride! How amazing!

That would be fantastic! Are you actually going to suggest that to the audience?

Well, there's a fine line really. I am just grateful to have a single out and having the opportunity to perform it at Pride. I haven't been to Belfast Pride in 13 years and I always used to go when I lived there but work commitments have prevented me attending for over a decade, so now that I am returning to host and perform is enough for me, but I could really make history here if everyone did it. It would be a dream come true, and it would be great to have a Northern Irish LGBT person achieve something like that with the support of the people. Who knows. We shall see... Me performing and hosting 'Party in the Square' is not about me gaining chart success, but it would be a lovely bonus.

We wish you all the best with that! Fingers crossed! What other plans have you got for whilst you are home?

Well, it's kind of business really, I am the guest on Downtown Radio on Friday with Siobhan McGarry so tune in - I will be talking all things Pride and 'Giving It Up'. I am really looking forward to some downtime though. My relationship has literally just ended and I genuinely need some family time. I was the happiest I have ever been, and the break-up hit me like a tonne of bricks - I am hoping some good Irish air and family will rejuvenate me for when I have to return to London the following week.

That's sad about you're relationship, you could meet the man of your dreams at Belfast Pride though...

Haha! I don't know. What I have learned is that you really don't know when love will enter and exit your life. You can't plan or expect anything. My ex-partner meant the world to me. I met him at a concert and I was on the biggest whirlwind romance this year and then one day - BANG, my heart broke. My relationship fell apart on the spot and now he's no longer in my life. I was awake for days, I have never felt pain like it. My ex was out of my life as quick as he came in to it. The relationship was so fast-moving, I suppose if you get into a speeding car you kind of have to expect the possibility of it crashing and burning, and that's exactly what happened.

What I am saying is, I am completely open to opportunity and I know I am capable of being a good partner, so if I meet someone at Belfast Pride, then yes, if there is a spark there - definitely! Love is the best feeling in the world, and I am completely open to experiencing that again.

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