Katie Hopkins to streak through London in the next few days

The toxic Twitter tyrant has vowed to run the streets of London completely naked, which should be happening in the next few days.
The less than normal vow came after an unsurprising Twitter rant saying, 'If Sadiq Khan wins London, I will run naked down Regent Street with a sausage up my bum in protest #LondonMayor2016, And if that horrifying prospect doesn’t get the Zac vote out, nothing will.'
It just so happened that Sadiq did secure his seat as the first Muslim Mayor and has also removed Tory, Boris Johnston from his post of 8 years. This means Katie will now have to own up to her vow, by running through London completely naked with a sausage up her bum. Yum.
Hopkins also slated Sadiq in her column for the Daily Mail, calling him "Sadiqistan” and slamming a "Muslim Mafia" .The columnist also recently came out as bisexual but admitted never slepping with a woman, saying 'I was never presented with the opportunity'.