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Healthy Mind Coach Warns Don’t Delay Getting Help In 2020

Leading healthy mind practitioner, Sam Barr, has urged people not to delay seeking help in dealing with the mental crises the modern world and relationships deliver.

Through his Healthy Mind Coaching and Training practice, Sam has seen that too often people delay getting the support and help that can help them turn the corner.

“People come to us mostly because of anxiety,” he said. “There are so many different situations that cause anxiety and when we meet them it can have a lot of different factors.

“It could be because of relationships, finances, addictions, or as a result of issues in the workplace and there are the associated fears, worry and even shame that comes along with that anxiety.”

Sam says that social connections and environment leads to exacerbating the anxiety, and It developing into more serious issues.

Healthy Mind Coaching and Training offer a range of services for individuals and workplaces, but often the free 30-minute one-to-one is when the issues affecting a person can be identified and assess whether further sessions are required.

“Whether it is someone who is a senior manager, or an individual who is facing a life-changing decision often we can help identify issues and recommend changes in behaviour,” Sam said.

However, it is often delaying seeking help that can be a barrier for people – and organisations.

“Most people know that they have an issue with their mental health and wellbeing,” he explained. “Too often they come up with excuses, such as they don’t have the time. They have the time to get their car fixed or their boiler repaired when they are broken, and I would encourage them to change their mindset from ‘can I’ to ‘will I’. By asking ‘will I’ they are more likely not to seek excuses and get the help we can provide.”

Healthy Mind Coaching and Training is a provider of life & emotional wellbeing, therapeutic coaching and professional training courses in personal, professional development & workplace wellbeing.

“There are so many labels around mind wellbeing but we focus on enabling people to grow, flourish, excel and realise their potential, achieving outstanding results in their lives through a positive change mindset,” said Sam. “But the key thing is to take the first step. No matter what your reason is, whatever has prompted you to get help, you can change.”

Learn more about Healthy Mind Coaching and Training at


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