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Belfast Author Reveals How To Succeed In Business & Life In New Self Help Book

Rising up from collapsed businesses and personal devastation to achieve success Bernie Allen is an inspiration, and she has now revealed some of the secrets of that journey in her new book How To Succeed in Business and Life..What’s Holding Your Back.

Out now Bernie says the book has been written to help readers identify where they have been and why they have been there, or where they are now and how they got there and also to help them get to where they want to go.

“I decided to put my experiences and subsequent success into print after a talk I gave at a convention called Camp Someday,” she said.

“During that talk, I spoke about the difficulties and challenges I came up against both in my personal and business life, and how I identified and overcame them.

“The audience response was overwhelming and after every event, it was the same response. I decided to put it into this book to help others overcome some issues that might be holding them back. I also run boot camps to give people hands-on help.

In the past two decades, Bernie has overcome a lot of adversities, in family and business, Relationship breakups, two businesses closing leading to debts of £78,000, also health issues, to becoming a once again successful businesswoman.

“I owned a restaurant in a mall that didn’t live up to the promises I was made, and a newsagent that failed because a big garage opened next door.

“I truly didn’t know where to turn; I used to tell people my duvet became my best friend because I didn’t want to get out of bed and face reality.”

I didn’t know where my next income was coming from. I was then introduced to the world of Network Marketing A home-based business opportunity with no overheads and I grabbed it with both hands and ran with it.

I set myself a five-year business plan and my top priority was to pay off my debts. I achieved that in four-and-a-half years and became debt-free and financially secure.

Bernie has interviewed hundreds of entrepreneurs, business owners, and thought leaders, to find out what either held or is holding them back,

She explained: “In my experience, all those who succeed are the people who are prepared to do what they need to do to get what they want to get, don’t make excuses, always prepared to learn more of the how-to and is genuinely interested in helping others achieve and get out of the money versus happiness trap.

“To get to the top it’s all about what is going on between your two ears so self-development is even more important than learning.

“I have travelled the world in search of empowerment knowledge and have spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on seminars, books, webinars, CDs, booking trainers and attending conventions globally.

“When I was growing my self-confidence and motivation I had to make sacrifices, to succeed, but, it was all worth it, don’t let anyone tell you, you can build a successful business without having to make sacrifices.”

Tina Calder, owner of Excalibur Press who has published the book said: "We're delighted to welcome Bernie into the Excalibur Press family. Bernie is a dynamic speaker/business mentor whose years of expertise shine through throughout this book.

“If you enjoy self-help and books that help you supercharge your life in a few easy steps then this is definitely for you."

Since achieving her success Bernie has been working to support charities, including Puppies for the Blind and fundraisers for schools and children in Uganda.

Even though this book has been written with business in mind many readers have said how much it has helped them not only in their business but in life, and how it has helped them grow their confidence.

“Enjoy the book and maybe you will find some golden nuggets for the growth of your own success,” said Bernie.

Bernie Allen’s How to Succeed in Business and Life…What’s Holding You Back? Is available from For more information about Bernie go to


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