Half of the world is carrying 'gay genes'
The 'gay gene' has possibly been found and it exists in almost half of the world's population.

In a study carried out by Science Daily, research suggests that the gene has been carried through generations and is a huge factor on sexuality.
The genes have helped homosexuality be present among humans throughout history and in all cultures. Giorgi Chaladze, from the Ilia State University in Georgia, published his findings in his journal, Archives of Sexual Behavior
Chaladze found despite homosexual men having “five times fewer children” than straight men, it is their female relatives who carry and pass on the genes.
The fact that women statistically carry more children can “explain the persistence of homosexuality, if we consider that those males who have such genes are not always homosexual.”
Male carriers who do not identify as homosexual can instead manifest into 'experimentation' phases which explains why the number of men who report to having any same-sex sexual behaviour or same-sex attraction are “much higher than estimates of those who self-identify as homosexual or bisexual.”