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Indonesia bans effeminate men

The Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) has set the decision to ban effeminate men from appearing on television as they have gained ‘too many complaints’ from viewers.

The ban will focus on men with ‘camp’ behaviour, such as wearing makeup, wearing women’s clothing, sitting style, hand gestures, voice and other stylings which may offend their audiences.

They had posted an announcement on their website saying,

“KPI assess these things are not in accordance with the respect for the norms of decency and morality in society and the protection of children and adolescents.

“Airing this content thus can encourage children to learn and/or justify inappropriate behaviour such as common in everyday life.”

The KPI issued a similar directive on February 18 asking broadcasters not to ‘promote’ LGBT practice or behaviour. Previously, a higher education minister suggested that LGBT should be banned from all universities if they engage in any public affection towards each other and the leading psychiatric body in Indonesia has said that homosexuality is a mental illness which can be treated and should be.

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